Reporting and Freelance Writing
My experience in journalism began as a columnist, staff writer and editor of the James Madison University student newspaper and a contributor to the college magazine.
From 1997 to 2003, I was a reporter for a daily newspaper, the Martinsville (Virginia) Bulletin; a staff writer for Richmond's news weekly, Style Magazine; and a freelancer for Virginia Business, Virginia Living, Richmond magazine and other publications.
I won 10 first- and second-place writing and editing awards during this period from the Virginia Press Association. I also wrote articles for the nationally circulated Vegetarian Times and Better Nutrition magazines.
Thought Leadership and Bylined Articles
I have put those research, interviewing and writing skills to work for many clients and employers throughout my career. These have included numerous messages developed for senior leaders to employees and clients, as well as a series of ghostwritten business articles in a metropolitan newspaper on behalf of a banking client.